Network Video Ports Required for RTSP:
- 554 - RTSP uses TCP or UDP as its transport protocol.
- 18000 - UDP Video Stream1 | RTSP or Multicast Source and Destination
- 19000 - UDP Video Stream2 | RTSP or Multicast Source and Destination
- 19500 - UDP MJPEG Video Source Port | RTSP/RTP/UDP
Video Stream Connection URL’s
*Do not include brackets < > in connection URL strings
RTSP/RTP and RTSP Interleaved
- Connection String: rtsp://<ipaddress>/ <Presentation Name>
- Presentation names: H264: <stream1> or <stream2 > MJPG: <mjpg>
HTTP Tunneling
- Connection String: http://<ipaddress>/stream/http/<PresentationName>
- VLC Connection String: rtsp://<ipaddress>/stream/http/<PresentationName>
- Presentation names: H264:<stream1> or <stream2 > MJPEG: <mjpg>
RTP Multi-cast
Connection String: rtsp://<ipaddress>/ <Presentation Name>
Presentation Names: H264: <stream1Multicast> or < stream2Multicast >MJPG: <mjpgMulticast> -
Connection String: http://<ipaddress>/webshared/<PresentationName>.sdp
Presentation names: H264: <Stream1> or <Stream2 > (Please notice the capital “S”) MJPG: <Mjpg> (Please notice the capital “M”)
MJPEG Push using HTTP
- Connection String: http://<ipaddress>/stream/push
MJPEG Pull using HTTP
- Connection String: http://<ipaddress>/stream/pull
MPEG2 Transport
Connection String: udp://@<multicast ipaddress>:[18000] ||[19000] || [19500] (where [18000 = stream 1] , [19000 = stream 2], [19500 = mjpeg]
Network Ports:
- 80 Web server
- 123 Time Server
- 554 RTSP Server
Camera Control Network Ports:
- 1233 Cohu Legacy Camera Protocol
- 1234 Cohu Legacy, with 4 Byte Message Length Header, Camera Protocol
- 1235 Proprietary Mjpeg Video Stream
- 1236 Establish TCP Connection To The Camera
- 1237 Cohu T Camera Control
- 3001 NTCIP 1205 TCP
- 3000 NTCIP 1205 UDP
Camera Default Passwords
User = Admin
Password = Camera
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