Issue: You need to receive an email from your recorder system to alert you to certain events that have happened in your system. The recorder can send you an email for events that happen such as when motion occurs on a certain camera or an alarm input has been triggered.
Prerequisites: If you use a common Email Provider such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail the system already has the required Server address and port that you need built into the system. If however you use a less common Email Provider you must obtain the email server address and the port from your email Provider.
Ports: There are three common ports used by Email Providers. Port 25 is the port to use when no authentication is required. Port 465 and 587 is used for SSL/TSL. When a port uses SSL/TLS this means the authentication is required.
Server address: The server address is the address your Email Provider uses to connect devices to their systems. The Gmail server address is: The Yahoo server address is: A Roadrunner email would be:
Populate the fields:
Type: This field is asking for what type of email provider you have. When you click the drop down arrow the below box pops up. Select the type of email provider you use or pick Manual to input your own email server address.
If you choose Gmail the box will automatically fill with the Gmail information needed. See the box below.
If you choose Yahoo the below image shows the information for Yahoo.
SMTP Server: This is the field where the email provider's server address goes.
Port: Common ports are 25, 465, and 587.
Use SSL/TLS: This field is for the type of Authentication required by your email provider. Below is the choices for this field.
Authentication: This field is filled out with the email and password for Authentication. Pressing the drop down on Authentication brings up this box below to fill out.
Sender: This field is filled with the senders email address and password. When the drop down is selected the below box appears to be filled out. The Star to the right of Address is for the common email providers. Use that if using one of those.
Once the SMTP box is filled out you will have a box now that looks similar to the box below.
You can now hit the Test button to have the unit send an email out as a test to the recipients you have selected to receive the emails.
*Note- If the test fails please check your DNS setting in the Network menu.
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