- Rise 1 Core Package v5.2.62 RISE Package v5.2.111.14
- Rise 2 v1.61.7766
- Cohu - WinMPC Helios v7028
The below must be turned on in the camera web page
- RISE 1
- Login to the camera.
- Click Network > Port Settings
- Under Legacy Protocol select Cohu with no header.
- Verify the Legacy Port is 1233.
- Click Save.
- RISE 2
- Login to the camera.
- Click Protocol > Port Settings
- Turn on Cohu Port and set it to 1233.
- Click Save.
- Open Cohu WinMPC Helios (The file is at the end of this article).
- Change Static to "Network".
- Enter the IP address of the camera then press Connect.
- Press Set in the camera field.
- RX status should see Ack in green.
- Press Reset and "rs" will appear in the Tx script. The camera should reboot and power back up in a few minutes.
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