- No control
Hardware needed
- DTECH DT-5019 USB (RS232 to RS422)
- MS cable
- 24 Vdc Power supply
- WinMPC software v4918
Refer to Pinout on the MS Connector:
Refer to the Pinout on the USB/RS232 to RS422:
Make on connection:
- Open "Devices Manager" and Match the setting in the WinMPC com set.
- Open when WinMPC and Click on "Camera Setup"
- Confirm the Com Port matches what was seen in Windows Devices Manager
- Select "8800" from the "Receiver Type" drop-down list.
- Select "Cohu" from the "Set to Comm Protocol" drop-down list.
- Select "55x" from the "Cam Type" down-down list. Press "OK"
- Click on the "DSP" button
- The Lens Control menu will appear
**WinMPC software is attached below:
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