Issue: PTZ not moving
- *Rise 1
- **Rise 2 (firmware 1.60 or higher)
- **Rise 3 (all firmware )
- Troubleshoot function
- Capture logs files
**Verify Pan and Tilt status (Menu in Rise 2 | 3)
- When the Problem is seen Log onto the camera web page.
- Left-click on the "System" menu
- Left-click on the "Camera Diagnostics" submenu
- Left-click on the "Hardware Status" and verify the status on the pan and tilt.
- Capture image and save.
* |** Verify PTZ comments are seen in the "View All Message" (Menu in Rise 1 | 2 | 3)
- Left-click on the "System" menu
- Left-click on the "System Message" from the submenu"
- Select View All Messages from the Select Filter Level drop-down menu
- Press Clear message
- Press the PTZ arrow up and down than the left and right arrows, and confirm functions are seen.
**Calibrate Positioner & Capture Logs (Menu in Rise 2 | 3)
- When the Problem is seen Log onto the camera web page.
- Left-click on the "System" menu
- Left-click on the "Service" submenu
- Left-click on the "Calibrate Positioner" button and the camera will start to move multiple positions.
- Click System > Support > General. You should see an output similar to the one below.
AVR 0 is for the pan motor.
AVR 1 is for the tilt motor.
AVR 2 is for the wiper (dependent on the model)
- Left-click on the "Camera Diagnostics" submenu
- Select "Log" From the "Diagnostics Services" and wait until the information is displayed.
- Click on "Download" and a syslog.tgz file will be generated.
- Please send the file to or attach it to the current ticket that the issue is being worked on.
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