*Please note that NVR Password and IDIS Center are 2 different credentials. IDIS Center can hold many recorders and each recorder will have its own admin and users. This article is only for forgotten/lost credentials to a NVR.
If you forgot your IDIS Recorder password. You have the following options:
On the NVR itself.
Use FIND PW Button.
- Use email recovery - email must be associated with a user in the system, preferably a admin user. A verification will be sent to the email, so the NVR must have internet access.
- Use UPR File - This file is usually generated during initial install of the recorder but can be generated at any time once you gain access to your login. The file can be exported locally to FAT32 USB Drive or via Remote Setup in IDIS Center. UPR =User Password Reset
If above options are not available.
Please check if the recorder is currently registered to IDIS Center. It is best if the device was registered using a admin account.
Go to SYSTEM -> IDIS Center Setup -> Device or use Control+Shift+D
If the device is listed in here please, please right click on the device and select Remote Setup
This will load a Setup Menu from NVR. As long as the network connection from IDIS Center PC and IDIS NVR is good.
Go to User and add new user.
Make sure new user is under admin group.
Recommended Option: Make sure to export a UPR to thumb drive that is formatted to FAT32 and keep file in a safe place or in a corporate FileShare. This is to reduce this situation again.
Please make sure to hit apply when done.
Once the new user has been created. Please use new login credentials on the NVR itself.
Use new credential to create users and administer the system.
If above option is not available.
You will need to factory reset the recorder.
Warning: Please note that a factory reset will not delete the footage stored in the hard drives but you will be required to reconfigure the cameras, recording programming and network settings. Depending on the number of cameras and if third party cameras are involved, the process could take as little as 1 hour to complete to several hours. Using all IDIS system will be a much faster reconfiguration.
Please contact us at support@idisamericas.com if you need to factory reset your NVR.
We can provide detail help with re-configuring your NVR.
If you have any questions, feel free to send us a message to support@idisamericas.com or call us +1 469-635-6800
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