Rolling bars can be seen within the image of the AV Costar camera as seen in the example below.
1. Enable LDR Setting
2. Set the Lighting Compensation Frequency as needed to compensate for Rolling Effect
To Configure Settings via HTTP Short Cut and in bulk:
1. Open AV IP Utility or Costar Utility and Select the Camera(s) to be configured.
2. Select the HTTP Command Option within AV IP Utility:
OR Costar Utility as seen below:
3. Enter the following HTTP command to Turn On the LDR Functions:
For NDAA cameras use the following: cgi-bin/set.cgi?
For Non-NDAA cameras use the following: cgi-bin/set.cgi?
4. Select the same camera(AV02CID-100 or -200) then Enter the following HTTP command to Set the Frequency: cgi-bin/set?freq=(X)
X is the number/Frequency desired to be set we recommend starting with 40 and going up in increments of 10 as needed.
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