- Login to the ConteraVMS.
- Click the Setup
- Under General Configuration click Cameras then Add Cameras.
- The software will perform a scan and display all found cameras.
- If the camera you are looking for is not displayed, click Manually Add a Camera, fill in the fields then click Save.
- You will need to attempt to add it as ONVIF or via the RTSP URL.
- Please ensure the camera is ONVIF Profile S compliant.
- Place a check mark next to the camera(s) you wish to add then click Add Selected Cameras.
- The selected camera(s) will be displayed as shown below.
- You can view live or search for video using the buttons on the upper left.
Tech Alert NOTE: If Motion Recording is needed you will need to Manually add the latest Contera NDAA Models. This workaround is not needed when running ConteraVMS version v2.6.xxx+
ConteraCMR High Performance NVR: How to add a camera
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Issue: A camera needs to be added to the ConteraVMS.
Network information:
Remote Communication - Port 80 (8888 used if 80 is blocked)
(C) Client NIC IP Address - DHCP (Can be changed if needed) The Client NIC is intended for users to access the internet and provide remote client connections.
(B) Camera NIC (External Switch) - (2-254) / (Gateway and DNS blank) (Can be changed if needed) Note: The Camera NIC is intended for use with a dedicated camera network.